Do you ever get tired of just guitars, pianos, bass, drums, strings, horns and all the other instruments we've heard for decades (and centuries in some cases)? I recently came across an article about an annual competition at the Georgia Institute of Technology where they invite inventors from all over the world to come demonstrate new types of musical instruments. This year 23 inventors from 14 countries came to compete for prizes up to $5K and for recognition of their design and engineering expertise. To learn more about this very cool competition check out this link New Musical Instruments Competition.
Maybe when this is all over there's still time for me to learn a new instrument or two :)
Going forward we'll be trying to blog at least once a week and when we do we'll be featuring a new song that has gotten our attention. This weeks entry is "Counting Stars" by One Republic, the act whose original success as an unsigned act out of Colorado Springs shot them to stardom like nobodys business. That first single "Apologize" went to #2 on the US charts and we again see One Republic's "Counting Stars" recently hitting #2 on the Billboard chart (currently #6 but climbing again). If you're not one of the 182 Million people who have listened to this great song on YouTube already I invite you to check out the tune and video for "Counting Stars" It's a great pop tune that will grow on you a little bit more each time you listen.
We're heading towards the end of February already and the spring thaw has begun (60 degrees this weekend in Philadelphia). Looking forward to the rest of the thaw and some more good music as March roars into the calendar. Enjoy the last week of February and see you next month! Peace, Love & Laughter, ~Vincent James @