Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday's Tune - "Just Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble

Michael Buble's big break came from singing at a corporate party when an aide to former Canadian Prime Minister heard him and passed his CD along and Michael ended up singing at a wedding where legendary producer David Foster was in attendance. It took some convincing and a lot more work on Michael's part but things worked out. He soon had a very strong career doing mostly covers of old standards and the occassional original song that came through. "Home" from his second album put him on the Billboard Pop chart for the first time and "Everything" from his 3rd album did it again landing a little higher on the chart (#46). Fast forward to fall 2009 and the release of Michael's 4th CD and the song "Just Haven't Met you Yet" is a wonderful pop gem. Uptempo, slightly reminiscint of Sara Barrelis "Love Song" (but definitely its own song) has such a cool groove and vocal hook you can't help but want to hear it again and again. Check it out here and see if you don't agree:

"Just Haven't Met You Yet" - YouTube

American Idol - Orlando fared much better

Based on the reviews from last nights show, Orlando fared much better than the snooze fest in Chicago the night before. Definitely looking forward to hearing the sunshine state contestants when Hollywood week starts. Speaking of Michael Buble and American Idol, he appeared on an AI episode back in 2007 and I'm no drinker but the man definitely came off as having a few too many. Being a live TV show I was pretty shocked to see it and my opinion of Michael wasn't too high at that point. Unfortunately the lives on forever on the internet and will hopefully serve as a reminder to performers what not to do when going on live TV. Here's a link to a story and clip from 2007:

Michael Buble on American Idol results show in 2007

That's all for Thuuursday folks...have a great nite and will be back to you Friday with another cool pop'n'love song.


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