Monday, July 7, 2014

Opening up Music Making to People with Learning Disabilities

Music technology is usually created for the mass markets and rarely caters to the multitude of smaller markets. There is however, an organization based out of the UK called Make Your Sound Lab that is helping people with learning disabilities express themselves musically and collaborate with other musicians using available technologies. I thought this was a fascinating concept so I had to dig a little deeper to see what they were doing.

Make Your Sound Lab began in 2013 as a smaller project initially using Ipad apps to see what might be possible and has since expanded into using things like the Microsoft Kinnect, and the Leap Motion controller. The idea of course is to find different ways of creating music through hand motions, finger gestures and other non-traditional means. The organization is really just at the beginning stages of learning how to run "experiments" with different user groups including people with and without learning disabilities. Two different experiments were run this year starting with a smaller group and then following up with a larger session group. If you have a friend or family member with a learning disability, or maybe you're just a curious musician, I encourage you to check this out.

The article that first turned me onto this was Created Digital Music: New Laboratory Opens Music Making to People with Learning Disabilities . This will give you a good background on some of the work they are doing. After that you may want to check out the "Make Your Sound Lab" website found at

One product currently available that utilizes the Leap Motion controller to make music "out of thin air" as they say is GECO. This is pretty neat to watch check out one of their demonstration videos and if you like that hop on over to their website at GECO - Music out of Thin Air/

That's all for today news - pretty neat stuff and we'll definitely be looking at this closer in the future. Have a great nite and stop back tomorrow to see we discover next!

Music, Love & Laughter

~Vincent James @

p.s. KEEP MUSIC ALIVE Day #7 - Whewww we made it blogging 7 days straight - Definitely more fun and educational than I thought it would be with much more to come - Please visit our first post from Tuesday July 1st for more information about our mission

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